Design for Change Beliefs
Design for Change works towards cultivating the design mindset of being optimistic, human centric & collaborative in children through the simple design-thinking framework of Feel Imagine Do Share.
At Design for Change we strongly believe that
Every Child CAN
Every child has the potential to change the world around them. Our work thus transcends all demographic, language, social and cultural barriers
Every Child Matters
As a movement we are Agnostic to cause, culture, religion, language, gender and age
As a movement we are Shamelessly Committed to the pursuit of infecting every child in the world with
the power of ‘I CAN’
As a movement we are Optimistic that the world CAN be a better place and change is possible Together we can do more
We will collaborate and do what it takes to infect every child with the ‘I CAN’ mindset
Code of Conduct
The DFC Code of Conduct that we follow as an an organisation whereby we commit ourselves to following the code that is applied to all: country partners, champions, employees, volunteers, managers, executives and board members of DFC Global including all who participate in our programmes including youth, teachers, school leaders, parents and members of collaborating organisations.
In our daily duties and actions, we aim to always respond with our five core values: Empathy, Ethics, Excellence, Elevation and Evolution. These values are our foundation in our mission to ensure that all children cultivate the I Can Mindset using FIDS.
Ethical Principles and Core Values:
● Empathy ● Ethics ● Excellence ● Elevation ● Evolution
Equal Opportunity
Because DFC believes in every human being and our immense capacity for driving positive change, DFC Global will not tolerate discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other protected class.
DFC Global, its members of the board, employees, champions and partners will collaborate to achieve the goals of the organization. Any kind of dispute between champions, partners or people that work for them must resolve in terms of collaboration.
DFC Global complies with the requirements of the country’s and international privacy laws. All Board Members, partners, champions, and employees an agreement that contains provisions for information confidentiality and non-disclosure.
As a chosen family in which every member is valued as an individual, we commit to treating all fellow partners, champions, employees, users, and other stakeholders with dignity and respect at all times.
Any type of harassment, including physical, sexual, verbal or other, is prohibited and can result in disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. Harassment can include actions, language, written words or objects that create an intimidating or hostile work environment, such as:
● Yelling at or humiliating someone
● Physical violence or intimidation
● Unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments
● Visual displays such as derogatory or sexually oriented pictures or gestures
● Physical conduct including assault or unwanted touching
● Threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of employment or to avoid negative consequences
DFC Global is committed to ensuring that every member of our network: board members, partners, champions, employees, volunteers and work in safe and respectful environment that is free of bullying. Bullying can include:
● Spreading malicious rumor or gossip
● Excluding or isolating someone socially
● Establishing impossible deliverables
● Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information
● Intimidating someone
● Impeding someone’s work
● Unfairly denying training, leave or promotion
● Constantly changing work guidelines
● Sending offensive jokes or emails
● Criticizing or belittling someone constantly
● Tampering with a person's personal belongings or work equipment
Design For Change Northern Ireland
is brought to you by eduSOIL CIC